SOMO welcomes new funding from the Ford Foundation
SOMO is pleased to announce a substantial investment by the Ford Foundation in our work and organisational development. In 2022, SOMO will receive $1,395,000.
Ford’s Building Institutions and Networks (BUILD) grants(opens in new window) focus on helping social justice organisations become stronger and more resilient over time. BUILD provides grantees with five years of general operating support, combined with targeted organisational strengthening support.
SOMO’s Executive Director Audrey Gaughran: “We are very happy and grateful to have this opportunity to make SOMO even more resilient for the future. The BUILD grant will enable to deepen our work with partners and alliances to challenge unjust corporate power and promote just and fair economic development. Having this support to strengthen our organisation allows us to be even more mission focused.”
This is not the first grant SOMO received from the Ford Foundation. Since 2019, we have received funding from the foundation’s Natural Resources and Climate Change Program for our work to support Indigenous communities affected by oil company Pluspetrol, and to investigate the company’s tax avoidance practices.
Do you need more information?
Audrey Gaughran
Executive Director
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