The governance structure of SOMO is organised as follows:
- The Supervisory Board
- The Executive Board (Executive Director)
- The Management Team
- The staff

The Executive Board consists of one person: the Executive Director, Audrey Gaughran. Under the guidance of the Supervisory Board, the Executive Board bears the ultimate responsibility for identifying and managing the risks associated with SOMO’s organisational strategy and activities.
The day-to-day management of the organisation is in the hands of the Management Team: chaired by the Executive Director and includes the Programme Manager Irene Keizer and Operations Manager Roelof Gunnink.
The staff of SOMO play a critical role in the management and running of the organisation. SOMO’s Statutes recognise the role of staff in making strategic decisions. The staff meeting is an important decision-making body and decisions are taken by a qualified majority vote. During 2022, staff voted in favour of the new five-year operational strategy.