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Reclaiming wealth for climate, reparations and justicePosted in category:Long readAudrey GaughranPublished on:
Digging deeper into ING’s climate ambition Published on:Rodrigo FernandezPosted in category:PublicationRodrigo Fernandez
Joint letter: Ban EU trade with Israel’s illegal settlementsPosted in category:NewsLydia de LeeuwPublished on:
CSDDD Datahub reveals law covers fewer than 3,400 EU-based corporate groupsPosted in category:NewsDavid Ollivier de LethPublished on:
Additional evidence filed against for profiting from illegal settlementsPosted in category:NewsLydia de LeeuwPublished on:
The hidden human costs linked to global supply chains in ChinaPosted in category:NewsJoshua RosenzweigPublished on:
The power to extract value from the value chainPosted in category:Long readRodrigo FernandezPublished on:
Powering injustice Published on:Lydia de LeeuwPosted in category:PublicationLydia de Leeuw
Carbon markets, fossil fuels and COP29Posted in category:OpinionJoanna CabelloJoanna Cabello
Dutch court fails to enforce State’s obligations to prevent genocide and address ties to illegal occupationPosted in category:NewsLydia de LeeuwPublished on:
Civil society organisations push for transformative global investment rulesPosted in category:NewsBart-Jaap VerbeekPublished on:
Major brands sourcing from China lack public policies on responsible exitPosted in category:NewsJoshua RosenzweigPublished on:
Dutch State accused of failing to prevent genocidePosted in category:CaseLydia de LeeuwPublished on:
The Counter: strengthening the fight for climate justice around the worldPosted in category:Long readLuis ScungioPublished on:
Kenya terminates Bilateral Investment Treaty with the NetherlandsPosted in category:NewsBart-Jaap VerbeekPublished on:
The hidden harm of green hydrogen Published on:Ilona HartliefPosted in category:PublicationIlona Hartlief