Time for Transparency
The case of the Tamil Nadu textile and garment industry
This paper argues in favour of enhanced transparency in the global garment supply chain. Building on recent work on the appalling employment and labour conditions in the Tamil Nadu (India) textile and garment industry, the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) and the India Committee of the Netherlands (ICN) build the case for substantial supply chain transparency. SOMO and ICN believe that disclosure of detailed information regarding corporate structure, suppliers’ base, employment relations, work force, and due diligence processes, among others, is an important prerequisite to enable different actors along the supply chain, workers in the first place, to address human rights violations and improve working conditions. In this paper, SOMO and ICN focus on disclosure of buyer-supplier linkages. To walk the talk, SOMO and ICN present up-to-date information on buyers sourcing from suppliers in Tamil Nadu. In an attempt to demand a different corporate approach to transparency, SOMO and ICN counter corporate arguments that oppose disclosure.
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