Sustainable procurement in a European context
Practices of procurement in 5 EU countries
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Geschreven door:
B. Slob
Geschreven door:
T. Steinweg
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The EU public procurement market is a fundamental part of the European single market and is governed by rules and regulations intended to remove barriers and guarantee non-discriminatory and competitive markets. The principle of public procurement is to introduce a broad range of potential suppliers to the public sector and utilities resulting in reduced cost, while at the same time opening up national markets for all EU-based bidders. The principles of non-discrimination, transparency and economic viability are aimed at ensuring the free movement of goods and services within the EU.
Meer informatie nodig?
Gisela ten Kate
Coördindator MVO Platform
Südwind – Verein für Entwicklungspolitik & globale Gerechtigkeit
Ecumenical Academie Prague
Center for Environmental Studies
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