Financial Regulation in the European Union
Mapping EU Decision Making Structures on Financial Regulations and Supervision
The fragmentation of financial regulation and supervision contrasts starkly with the expansion of the EU-wide financial markets and financial services providers. Several banks now have a presence in multiple EU countries, conducting trans-border capital transfers, and trans-border selling of highly complex and risky financial services. The EU has facilitated liberalisation of financial services providers and of financial markets. Based on the Nice Treaty and the Lisbon strategy the principles behind this liberalisation have been stronger competition in EU markets, with the purpose of reducing financing costs and improving allocation of resources, thus boosting the global competitiveness of the EU’s financial industry. An effort to compete with the US financial industry, which has been dominant in some big earning sub-sectors such as investment banking, has had an important influence on EU policies.
Meer informatie nodig?
Myriam Vander Stichele
Senior Onderzoeker
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