OECD Watch Newsletter April 2007
BTC case could result in clarifications to key provisions in the Guidelines. Global Witness files complaint against Afrimex with 2 Dutch NCP accepts G-Star supply chain case. Danish NCP accepts DLH case. Australian NCP rejects ANZ Bank case. Debunking the First Quantum/Mopani complaint’s success story. Finnish NCP dismisses Botnia case. German NCP erects multiple roadblocks in Ratiopharm case. Many ECAs are still failing to promote the Guidelines. The Corner House, Campaign Against Arms Trade initiate legal challenge for UK government’s breach of the OECD Anti-bribery Convention. Philippine Supreme Court orders closure of Shell, Petron and Caltex’s Pandacan oil depot. Australian NCP evaluates GSL case. Canada reviews mechanisms to hold extractive companies to account. Dutch Government revises NCP into a more independent body. German NCP facing calls for reform from multiple stakeholders. UK NCP adopts new structure and procedures. European Commission funds OECD Watch. OECD Watch capacity-building in Ghana, Argentina Pakistan and Kenya. OECD Guidelines discussed at 12th International Anti-Corruption Conference. Association Sherpa, France, Christian Aid, UK, Earthjustice International, US, Nepenthes, Denmark, Observatorio de RSC – Red Puentes España, Spain, Save My Future Foundation, Liberia, The Corner House, UK.
OECD Watch
Global Witness
National Contact Point Germany
National Contact Point Australia
Danish Business Authority Erhvervsstyrelsen
National Contact Point Finland
National Contact Point Netherlands
National Contact Point United Kingdom
The Corner House
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