Responsible disengagement in the time of corona
SOMO, ECCHR and PAX position paper

In reaction to the corona crisis, companies are scaling down their operations and considering disengaging from relationships with suppliers from all over the world to protect their profitability. This position paper by SOMO, ECCHR and PAX highlights the severe consequences of disengagement for vulnerable workers and communities that sustain the supply chains for food, clothing and other globally produced goods.
The paper also explores what responsible disengagement could look like. It identifies and analyses relevant normative guidance from the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and provides concrete recommendations to businesses and policy-makers. In 2016, SOMO published another paper on the role of disengagement in human rights due diligence, titled ‘Should I stay or should I go?‘.
Do you need more information?
Joseph Wilde-Ramsing
Advocacy Director -
Marian Ingrams
Director of OECD Watch

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