When the dust settles
Impact of the Tayan Nuur iron ore mine on nomadic herders’ lives in the Gobi Altai mountains of Mongolia
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T. Steinweg
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A.M Schuit
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Dugersuren, Sukgerel
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Georgieva, Plamena
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Bacheva, Fidanka
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This report presents the findings of a fact-finding mission in Mongolia in August 2014. The mission aimed to assess the environmental and social impacts of the Tayan Nuur iron ore mine, which is operated by the Mongolian mining company Altain Khuder and financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The fact-finding mission heard testimonies from around 25 individual stakeholders.
Key findings include:
- Impacts of the road used for iron ore transportation from the mine to the chinese border, including dust pollution, increased risks to human and animal health, fragmentation of pasture, a loss of income, and traffic accidents.
- Impacts from resettlement and displacement, including issues of compensation and absence of relocation sites.
- Impacts of water depletion and contaminination as a result of the mine’s water use.
- Inadequate stakeholder engagement, a lack of information disclosure, and intimidation and harassment of critics including filing criminal cases against them.
- Violations of safety regulations resulting in accidents at the mine.
Do you need more information?
Lydia de Leeuw
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