Using Grievance Mechanisms
Accessibility, predictability, legitimacy and workers’ complaint experiences in the Electronics Sector
In a research into grievance mechanisms in the electronics industry, SOMO found that very few workers have trust in the grievance mechanisms available in their company. Most workers do not know how complaints are handled, and have limited knowledge about the different complaint channels. The high level of mistrust and the low percentage of satisfactory resolved complaints demonstrates an overall poor performance regarding the implementation of grievance mechanisms.
Do you need more information?
Esther de Haan
Senior Researcher
Cividep India – Civil Initiatives for Development and Peace India
GET – GoodElectronics Thailand
Good Electronics Thailand or GET consists of members from trade unions, NGOs and labour activists in different areas of Thailand. Its aim is to share information and learn from each other about the struggle for labour rights. In addition, we follow up up-to-date labour situations and cases of members, while we conduct projects around capacity […]
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