Shine a light on leather
Discussion paper on transparency in the leatherware supply chain
This paper makes the case for improved public disclosure of disaggregated and detailed supply chain data by international buying companies with the aim of increasing respect for the labour rights of workers in international supply chains. We make proposals in the paper for data categories and elements that brands and retailers should eventually include in their facility-level disclosures.
With this paper we aim to provide input into current discussions on enhanced supply chain transparency among brands, retailers, fashion conglomerates, workers and/or workers’ organisations, civil society organisations, responsible business initiatives, and governmental actors.
We publish this paper alongside our accompanying new report ‘Shine a light on leather Analysis: supply chain disclosure practices of 100 companies in the leatherware industry.’ The report provides an analysis of the current supply chain disclosure practices of 100 selected companies in twosegments of the leather-based global garment industry: luxury leather goods and leather footwear.
SOMO’s investigation is part of the programme ‘Together for Decent Leather’ (opens in new window)
co-funded by the European Union. SOMO is a participating partner in the programme.
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