Series for SRI-engagement – Production in low-wage countries
SOMO has published a series of factsheets on the electronics sector, specially designed for ethical investors who wish to express their social commitment through their investment strategy. The strategy of active commitment is becoming increasingly popular among ethical investors: with increasing frequency they are pursuing an active dialogue with the management of businesses. Ethical investors want to encourage them to improve their record on human rights and environmental awareness. SOMO is keen to support this effective method of influencing the corporate sector. Based on research and experiences in the makeITfair project SOMO has developed factsheets. These factsheets which not only detail the most important social and environmental problems clearly and helpfully, but also provide suggestions for ethical investors on how to approach the dialogue with companies. In this series of three factsheets, key problems and suggested solutions are presented with regard to issues such as metals sourcing for the electronics sector in conflict zones, violations of workers’ rights in low-wage countries and the processing of electronic waste. These factsheets were produced with the financial support of the DOEN Foundation.
Do you need more information?
Irene Schipper
Senior Researcher
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