Response to new EU directive on Unfair Trading Practices in food supply chains
Oxfam Novib and SOMO together provide their input on the draft law on unfair commercial practices for the agricultural and food supply chain.
In addition to an apparently malfunctioning law to prevent late payments, the Netherlands so far has no legislation or well-functioning voluntary initiative to tackle unfair commercial practices. The new European legislation (hereinafter: directive) is therefore a good opportunity to finally take adequate measures against abuse of power in the food chain. The directive provides explicit scope for introducing more extensive measures into national legislation. And while the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) intends to strengthen the position of the farmer in the chain, the proposed draft law does not take advantage of opportunities. Oxfam Novib and SOMO, supported by Supermacht, come up with a number of concrete improvements.
The response is to the Dutch government (in Dutch).
On the European level, Traidcraft(opens in new window)
published a guide for civil society organisations, businesses and members of the public based in EU Member States that are
working for greater fairness in agricultural supply chains. The guide includes:
Traidcraft Guide on unfair trading practices
- An introduction to the Unfair Trading Practices Directive,
- Guidance on monitoring the transposition and implementation of the Directive to ensure maximum effectiveness,
- Guidance for where national law can improve on the minimum standards of the Directive,
- Suggestions for how to engage with the legislative process at Member State-level,
- How to use the Directive to stop unfair trading practices,
- Other relevant policy areas to be aware of.
Do you need more information?
Gisela ten Kate
Coordinator MVO Platform
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