Large European action day against US-EU free trade agreement on October 11. 2014
This saturday, citizen in over 100 European, Canadian and Amercan cities will protest against the possible free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States. These protest bare witness to a growing resistance against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership which is discussed behind closed doors with influential international businesses, and which will have profound implications for the environment, workers and consumers
Trojan horse
The secret negotiations have been going on for over a year now, without any form of democratic control. The proponents claim that a succesfull TTIP will bring economic prosperity and substantial job growth. Critics however compare the projected economic growth to a Trojan horse: the welcome economic benefits are very improbable and at the sam time TTIP will have unwanted consequences like the breakdown of labour and environmental rights and safety regulations on both sodes of the Atlantic.
For more information on the European day of action, please look here(opens in new window) .
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