Updates 2017
Developments in Geneva on the UN business and human rights treaty negotiations.
In October 2017, countries from around the world came together in Geneva for the meeting of the to negotiate the text of a new international treaty to protect human rights against corporate human rights abuses. It was a historic opportunity to improve prevention of corporate abuse and to ensure that victims of corporate abuse have adequate access to justice.
The main purpose of these negotiations was to elaborate on the draft elements(opens in new window) of the treaty. SOMO is one of the many NGOās(opens in new window) Ā that followed the discussions in Geneva and worked together with partner organizations advocates for a treaty that will effectively contribute to access to justice and remedy for victims of business-related human rights abuses. On this page, you will find the daily updates of the negotiations that took place between 23-27 October, 2017.
See updates from these negotiations below. Useful links, summaries and statements are found at the bottom of this page
Negotiations Day 5: October 27, 2017
#BindingTreaty(opens in new window) Final panel on the voices of the victims. Live now:https://t.co/uagEGnZMjh(opens in new window) pic.twitter.com/RlYJH0KCnX(opens in new window)
ā LAW (@LegalActionWW) 27 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
Negotiations Day 4: October 26, 2017
Read the summary of day 4 here(opens in new window) .
@TreatyAlliance(opens in new window) @StopTNCimpunity(opens in new window) Pls come to @FIANista(opens in new window) side event today 1.30 room 27 on #TNCs(opens in new window) impact on #righttofood(opens in new window) and #foodsystems(opens in new window)
ā Daniel Fyfe (@FyfeDaniel) 26 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
For soundbite summary of #bindingtreaty(opens in new window) negotiations @UNGeneva(opens in new window) up until today, see: https://t.co/gSaRJeD5Jg(opens in new window) @TreatyAlliance(opens in new window)
ā MariĆ«tte v Huijstee (@Mariette_v_H) 26 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
Negotiations Day 3: October 25, 2017
Read the summary of day 3 here(opens in new window) .
Nice and simple quote from prof. @Davebil36(opens in new window) @UNGeneva(opens in new window) on accountability gap: “legal problems, need legal solutions” hence: #bindingtreaty(opens in new window) pic.twitter.com/2XJ1KDuJgt(opens in new window)
ā MariĆ«tte v Huijstee (@Mariette_v_H) 24 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
@Mariette_v_H(opens in new window) @SOMO(opens in new window) at book launch Building a Treaty on Business & Human Rights: access 2 remedy in #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) should be victim centered pic.twitter.com/FmgLPZv1C9(opens in new window)
ā Lydia de Leeuw (@LydiaDeLeeuw) 25 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
#UNOG(opens in new window) @KhalisahKhalid2(opens in new window) speaking on International Financial Institutions. #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) must address IFIās immunity from legal action pic.twitter.com/5RUzAL24vR(opens in new window)
ā Friends of the Earth (@FoEint) 25 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
.@EU_ONUGeneva wants #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) to apply to all enterprises but usually asks for the exact opposite in EU laws. #StopCorporateAbuse(opens in new window) ! pic.twitter.com/GHBrz2y9KC(opens in new window)
ā Friends of the Earth (@FoEint) 24 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
Gaat nieuw verdrag ervoor zorgen dat bedrijven niet meer weg komen met arbeidsrechtenschendingen? #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) https://t.co/OybdqdCsV2(opens in new window) pic.twitter.com/4iD40qHbsd(opens in new window)
ā CNV Internationaal (@CNV_Internat) 25 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
TODAY! The cost of impunity: The cross-regional fight of affected communities & #humanrightsdefenders(opens in new window) for effective remedies #bindingtreaty(opens in new window) pic.twitter.com/KcCunma7Ys(opens in new window)
ā Treaty Alliance (@TreatyAlliance) 25 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
Negotiations Day 2: October 24, 2017
Read the summary of day 2 here(opens in new window) .
..with a lot of questions for clarification on elements of #bindingtreaty(opens in new window) , but it is a start @EU_UNGeneva(opens in new window) [2/2]
ā MariĆ«tte v Huijstee (@Mariette_v_H) 24 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
UPDATE from the #bindingtreaty(opens in new window) negotiations @UNGeneva(opens in new window) : @EU_UNGeneva(opens in new window) change in approach: now engaging on substance of proposals! [1/2]
ā MariĆ«tte v Huijstee (@Mariette_v_H) 24 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
Good news : for #UNday(opens in new window) we hear for the 1st time @EU_UNGeneva(opens in new window) engaging deeply on substance on the #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) on Business & #HumanRights(opens in new window) pic.twitter.com/H4A0Qb3p2n(opens in new window)
ā Michel Cermak (@Mich_ka) 24 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
Negotiations Day 1: October 23, 2017
Read a summary of day 1 here(opens in new window) .
Watch and read the statement on October 23, made by CIDSE, on behalf of Brot fĆ¼r die Welt, CCFD, Terre Solidaire, Entraide et FraternitĆ©, Global Policy Forum, MISEREOR and SOMO.
Read the Blog Post “Negotiations Begin Today for Transnational Corporate Accountability Treaty” from CIEL, here(opens in new window) .
Voluntary standards have not been sufficient to stop impunity & ensure access to remedies” underlines @FIANista(opens in new window) . #BindingTreaty(opens in new window)
ā Manon Aubry (@M_Aubry_) 23 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
The #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) brings an opportunity to bring Human Rights to conflict zones @ESCRNet(opens in new window) pic.twitter.com/tbAaxbEVPy(opens in new window)
ā Eugenia Lopez (@elpezuribe) 23 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
Member of European Parliament to UN: the EP supports the #BindingTreaty(opens in new window)
If the EU rep. here does not support it, he doesnāt represent us pic.twitter.com/2M5iA4gFL6(opens in new window)
ā Business&HumanRights (@TTIP_Be) 23 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
Two EU voices clash over the #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) on corporations, as EU MP @LolaPodemos(opens in new window) expresses Prlmt’s firm support. 1 represents EU citizens. pic.twitter.com/XIgMev0my5(opens in new window)
ā Adrien Le Louarn (@ALeLouarn_FIDH) 23 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
#BindingTreaty(opens in new window) negotiations: constructive attitude of @BrazilUNGeneva(opens in new window) that recalls the complementarity between the UNGPs & a #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) pic.twitter.com/ODSSORrt3R(opens in new window)
ā Manon Aubry (@M_Aubry_) 23 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
“Gender isnt a small issue that you can put on a side,it is the core.States must factor that in for a #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) #Feminist4BindingTreaty(opens in new window) pic.twitter.com/B74fmzsVLR(opens in new window)
ā Alex del Rey (@Alex_delrey) 23 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
Indonesian @IGJ2012(opens in new window) tells stories of #HumanRights(opens in new window) + #Environment(opens in new window) impacts from #Trade(opens in new window) & #Investment(opens in new window) system, at #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) talks in Geneva pic.twitter.com/nof1GdqQrE(opens in new window)
ā Lydia de Leeuw (@LydiaDeLeeuw) 23 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
.@EU_UNGeneva(opens in new window) does not formally oppose program in order to be constructive
Thanks EU!
Now letās get to work for a #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) ! https://t.co/Fj7JDMYTyL(opens in new window)ā Business&HumanRights (@TTIP_Be) 23 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
Blog: UN treaty on business and human rights: An historic opportunity to ensure effective remedy for victims. https://t.co/v3x8TMZtlL(opens in new window) #BHRRC(opens in new window)
ā SOMO (@SOMO) 23 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
There is time to discuss the concerns of the @EU_UNGeneva(opens in new window) during the sessions. Let’s get into it! @NorwayinGeneva(opens in new window) @FranceONUGeneve(opens in new window)
ā Treaty Alliance (@TreatyAlliance) 23 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
Negotiations for a #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) to #StopCorporateAbuse(opens in new window) due to start. Will #EU(opens in new window) states support civil society? @TreatyAlliance(opens in new window) pic.twitter.com/Ar545SOOwR(opens in new window)
ā Friends of the Earth (@FoEint) 23 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
October, 22 2017
Read summary of the night before the start of the negotiationsĀ here(opens in new window)
Weāre so excited! Next week negotations start on historic #BindingTreaty(opens in new window) to #StopCorporateAbuse(opens in new window) . Sign the statement: https://t.co/RNzeJ1rZep(opens in new window)
ā SOMO (@SOMO) 18 oktober 2017(opens in new window)
Read a summary of day 4(opens in new window)
Read a summary of day 3(opens in new window)
Read a summary of day 2(opens in new window)
Read a summary of day 1Ā (opens in new window)
Read summary of the night before the negotiationsĀ here(opens in new window)
Useful links
Treaty Alliance(opens in new window) – Global movement for a binding treaty on business and human rights. Here you can find official documents, statements, studies, opinions and background information.
Business and Human Rights Resource Centre(opens in new window) – Live Twitter feed, related statements and articles, a blog(opens in new window) and more.
European Coalition for Corporate Justice(opens in new window)
International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights(opens in new window)
Peoples mobilisation(opens in new window) – Campaign to stop corporate impunity, mobilisation and more.
Oral and Written Statements
Photo: United Nations
Statement on jurisdiction(opens in new window)
Statement onĀ access to justice, effective remedy and guarantees of non-repetition.
Letter to the Dutch government to commit to the (process of coming to a) Binding Treaty
Do you need more information?
Lydia de Leeuw
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