Workers’ rights in the global electronics sector
Report of the May 2012 makeITfair and GoodElectronics Round Table

On 9 and 10 May 2012, GoodElectronics and makeITfair organised a Round Table on workers rights in the global electronics sector with representatives from the electronics industry and civil society organisations (CSOs) from around the globe. About 80 participants came together to exchange information and discuss the key topics of temporary labour and wage issues in the global electronics industry. There were exchanges on migrant labour, the position of employment agencies, living wages, engagement between electronics companies and CSOs, and much more. Discussions took place in the context of the overarching themes of freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. The May 2012 meeting followed a first Round Table that makeITfair and GoodElectronics organised in May 2009. The May 2009 meeting enabled a diverse group of participants to bring their own often diverging analyses to the table. The meetings report presented proposals concerning a range of topics, including the need to work towards formal social dialogue, as well as structural stakeholder consultation and collaboration between the industry and CSOs, in particular also on training projects.

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