Support for database on business in/with Israeli settlements in occupied territories
SOMO, together with other civil society organisations, sent two communications to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, in support of the UN Database on business activity in Israeli settlements, which is to be published December 2017.
On November 10, a letter was sent to the Office of the High Commissioner, urging the prompt release of the database of all business enterprises involved in certain specified activities concerning the Israeli settlements that may have negative human rights.
On December 1, another statement was sent calling for the implementation of UN Human Rights Council Resolution 31/36, which requests the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to produce such a database on business activity, in close consultation with the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises.
Both documents are attached.
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Lydia de Leeuw
PODER – Project on Organizing, Development, Education and Research
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