Short Course on Business and Human Rights, Pretoria
The Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, hosted its first short course on business and human rights at the University of Pretoria from 4 – 8 July 2016. The course brought together 50 people from across Africa, mainly representing civil society, national human rights institutions, and academia. Ame Trandem, Network Coordinator at SOMO and expert on the OECD Guidelines and Non-Judicial Grievance Mechanisms was one of the lecturers.
The short course brought experts on business and human rights from across the globe to present lectures on issues that included a general introduction to business and human rights, business and human rights policy, judicial and non-judicial grievance mechanisms, the African regional human rights system, illicit financial flows, human rights in the project cycle, access to remedy, debates around a potential treaty on business and human rights, and free, prior and informed consent.
Read more(opens in new window) on the website grievancemechanisms.org with tools and information on Non-Judicial Grievance Mechanisms.
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