Repeal of Dutch dividend tax off the table
SOMO welcomes the news that the Dutch government will develop new plans for the dividend tax. Although Prime Minister Rutte has so far only referred to a “re-evaluation”, it now appears very unlikely that the dividend tax will be abolished.
Arnold Merkies (“Tax Justice Nederland”): “It took a long time for the Cabinetto come to this realisation, but it looks like we are finally rid of this ill-advised measure. It shows that social resistance does help. But we are not there yet. The question is what the government wants to do instead. Will this simply be replaced by other gifts to multinationals? Or is the Cabinet also prepared to invest in measures that will benefit society as a whole? The government now has the opportunity to stop the race to the bottom and to show that it doesn’t just serve the interests of lobbyists for a few large companies, but that it is there to serve everyone.”
Perseverance pays: how Dutch PM Rutte gave in after years-long lobbying by corporate interests
Tax Justice Nederland organised social resistance against the abolition of dividend tax in recent months. Civil society organisations worked together in an intensive campaign, including a petition and a symposium on the dividend tax. SOMO coordinates this network and also has published critical articles and publications on the abolition of the dividend tax.
Do you need more information?
Arnold Merkies
Coordinator Tax Justice NL network
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