Parties reach agreement in OECD Guidelines case regarding Nidera’s human rights policies and practices in Argentina
In the context of an OECD Guidelines case, the NGOs CEDHA, INCASUR, Oxfam Novib and SOMO have reached an agreement with the Netherlands-based agricultural MNE Nidera regarding the company’s human rights policies and practices. As part of the agreement, Nidera strengthened its human rights policy, formalised human rights due diligence procedures for temporary rural workers, and allowed the NGOs to monitor its Argentine corn seed operations through field visits.
A final statement issued by the Dutch National Contact Point (NCP) on 5 March 2012 confirms the positive outcome of the dialogue between the parties. This concludes the OECD Guidelines specific instance procedure filed with the Dutch NCP in June 2011 regarding respect for the human rights of temporary rural workers. Both parties thanked the Dutch NCP for providing an environment that enabled constructive dialogue and discussion.
The complainants had called on Nidera to develop and implement an effective company-wide human rights policy and commitment including concrete human rights due diligence procedures. Such procedures are necessary for identifying, preventing and mitigating actual and potential adverse human rights impacts throughout its global operations, in particular regarding hiring and employment processes of temporary workers in detasseling operations. In a series of meetings, the parties discussed and reached agreement on these issues. Other elements of the agreement include Nidera’s supply chain approach and an operational-level grievance mechanism.
For more information, read the full text of the joint agreement(opens in new window) between Nidera and the NGOs and theDutch NCP’s final statement(opens in new window) on the OECD Guidelines case.
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