Organizations ask United Nations to delist Vale from Global Compact
In light of the dam collapse in Brumadinho (Brazil, Minas Gerais State), an international group of civil society organizations, including SOMO, submitted today a request for the exclusion of the Brazilian mining company Vale from the United Nations Global Compact, the largest network for corporate social responsibility in the world.
Brazil: organizations call for Vale to be delisted from the UN Global Compact
The organizations claim that Vale has violated the Global Compact’s principles on human, labour and environmental rights, by not carrying out adequate risk assessment, not taking the necessary measures for prevention and mitigation and by failing to adopt measures of non-repetition after the 2015 collapse of the Mariana dam.
For more information read the news article.
FUNDEPS – Foundation for the Development of Sustainable Policies
PODER – Project on Organizing, Development, Education and Research
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