Organisations call for greater social impact of the European Commission’s medical research and innovation investments
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Together with 22 civil society organisations, SOMO calls on the European Commission to seize the opportunity during the preparation of , to increase the social impact of its medical Research & Innovation investments and to generate more significant public return. The EC can do this by funding medical research and innovation projects that focus on unmet health needs and attaching access conditions to this funding so ensure public return on public investment.
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Irene Schipper
Senior Researcher
Access to Medicines Ireland
Altroconsumo, associazione indipendente di consumatori (Italy)
BEUC – the European Consumer Organisation
BUKO Pharma-Kampagne (Germany)
Commons Network
EKPIZO – Consumer Association the Quality of Life (Greece)
EPHA- European Public Health Alliance
France Assos Santu00e9 (France)
Global Health Advocates
HAI – Health Action International
Just Treatment (UK)
Mu00e9dicins sans Frontiu00e8res Access Campaign
OCU – Organizaciu00f3n de Consumidores y Usuarios (Spain) 16. PRAKSIS
PRAKSIS (Greece)
Salud por Derecho (Spain)
SPARC Europe
Test-Aankoop/Test-Achats (Belgium)
Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) – Europe
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