Input for the review of the European Investment Bank’s Complaints Mechanism
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A coalition of 25 organizations, including SOMO, comments on the draft Policy and Procedures for the Complaints Mechanism (CM) of the European Investment Bank (EIB)(opens in new window) . The revision of the CM is a crucial opportunity to strengthen the accountability of the EIB towards European institutions and citizens. Therefore, the organisations formulate the following key recommendations:
- The proposed draft CM Policy and Procedures are unacceptable and, if adopted, would lead to a serious setback for the independence and effectiveness of the CM, making it almost unusable for potential complainants.
- Fundamental reforms to the existing CM Policy and Procedures are necessary in order to address the serious procedural and structural flaws of the CM.
- For those changes to take place, a more equitable and meaningful public consultation is needed: this should include a second round of consultation on a substantially revised draft that merges the Policy and Procedures.
Bank Information Center Europe
Collectif Camerounais des Organisations des Droits de l’Homme et de la Democratie
Community Empowerment and Social Justice Foundation (Nepal)
Focus Association for Sustainable Development
Friends with Environment in Development (Uganda)
International Accountability Project
Lumiere Synergie pour les Developpement (Senegal)
Minority Rights Group
National Association of Professional Environmentalists (Uganda)
NGO Forum on ADB
Platform London
Polish Green Network
Re: Common
Transparancy International EU
WWF European Policy Office
Download: Joint CSO submission to the EIB’s Complaints Mechanism Review public consultation (pdf, 1.09 MB)
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