Fair, clean and green deeds in a jiffy
makeITfair works together closely with other organisations in the Netherlands and abroad. In the Netherlands, it has worked together on the Treemagotchi campaign and the Clean Call for Congo petition. Join in with Treemagotchi for your weekly fair and green deeds. A fun, interactive way to do something you actually always wanted to do, but perhaps never got around to. Clean Call for Congo calls on everyone to sign the petition, and thereby make all mobile telephones ‘clean’.
makeITfair(opens in new window) works together closely with other organisations in the Netherlands and abroad. In the Netherlands, it has worked together on the Treemagotchi campaign and the Clean Call for Congo petition. Join in with Treemagotchi for your weekly fair and green deeds. A fun, interactive way to do something you actually always wanted to do, but perhaps never got around to. Clean Call for Congo calls on everyone to sign the petition, and thereby make all mobile telephones ‘clean’.
Is your mobile clean? Sign the Clean Call for Congo petition!
The Democratic Republic of Congo, in Africa, has a wealth of raw materials, such as tin. More than anything, however, this wealth causes suffering in the country. The east of Congo has been afflicted by violence for a long time. This bloody war over raw materials recently flared up again, with terrible consequences for the local population. And you are involved in it!
What do you have to do with it? There is tin in your mobile, your laptop and your MP3 player. International electronics companies, which use the raw materials in their products, are therefore keeping the horrifying violence going. Your mobile is actually pretty unfair and dirty! There’s nothing you can do about that now. But you can ensure that it becomes cleaner in the future. Make sure that electronics companies comply with the makeITfair principles. That they invest in recycling old electronics and ensure than no raw materials are used which are sourced from African war zones. So that your next mobile has a clean conscience! This is why you should sign the Clean Call for Congo petition(opens in new window) (opens in new window) (Dutch)!
This petition is an initiative of makeITfair, Niza/Fatal Transactions and Euro’s voor Vrede, and is sponsored by NCDO. We will be presenting the petition in March 2009, on your behalf, to EICC and GeSI, coalitions in the electronics industry. The more signatures there are, the faster electronics businesses will ensure that our mobiles and laptops are clean.
Growing trees for a more sustainable world
The Treemagotchi campaign encourages young people to behave in a more sustainable manner. The Treemagotchi tree enables you to make friends, and make the rest of the world just a little bit greener and fairer. And you can win great prizes with it, like an e-reader. This is Treemagotchi, which was planted on the internet on 11 February. Treemagotchi is an initiative of Kairos Tools, to which makeITfair (SOMO) is contributing.
Treemagotchi is a friend tree which people can place on a personal website, such as Hyves, a blog or their profile page on the Treemagotchi site itself. The planter places his/her own photo on the trunk and invites six friends to hang leaves on his/her tree.
The tree can grow and blossom by feeding it each week with one green, fair action, twelve weeks long. For example, by downloading a buying guide or completing and sending in the makeITfair postcard (online). Each action can be carried out in a few mouse clicks, and takes no more than a couple of minutes. The Treemagotchi Contest started on 11 February with the first week’s action, and will last for three month.
In summary, Treemagotchi means 3x win:
1. A better world, because all individual actions collectively make a large impact.
2. Green prizes, at least if you perform all the easy actions and have a bit of luck.
3. Time, Treemagotchi is all about simplicity. Each action can be carried out with a couple of mouse clicks.
Take part at www.treemagotchi.nl(opens in new window) .
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