Dutch parliament supports resolution on affordable and accessible corona vaccines
The Dutch parliament unanimously adopted the Ellemeet resolution(opens in new window) , which advocates affordable and accessible Corona vaccines.
The Dutch government released 700 million euros for investments in the development of a potential Covid-19 vaccine. The resolution calls on the government ‘to include in agreements with the pharmaceutical industry requirements regarding the affordability and accessibility of a Covid-19 vaccine and to make efforts to share knowledge, intellectual property and data in the Covid-19 pool’. To be able to have democratic control over the expenditure on a Covid-19 vaccine, the Dutch government must give the parliament as much insight as possible into the agreements made, as soon as possible.
Earlier, SOMO, Wemos and fellow organisations had already insisted on the affordability and accessibility of Corona treatments. They also asked the Dutch government to support the proposal for a Covid-19 pool.
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Irene Schipper
Senior Researcher
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