Debate: Would you like a cup of TTIP
For over two years now, the US and the European Union are negotiating a new free trade agreement (TTIP). What is discussed exactly, we don’t know; the negotiations are held in secret. But what are the consequences for the Netherlands, for European employees and for the environment? Big companies really want this free trade agreement, but what’s in it for the rest of us? How rose-tinted is the bigger picture? Or how bleak? Come to the BIG TTIP debate on the 17th of April and know it all!
At the Volkshotel in Amsterdam, Wibautstraat 150
On Friday the 17th of April from 20:00-22:00 hours. Bar open until 01:00.
Tickets are on pre-sale for € 5 (including drink). At the door, tickets are € 7, 50
Jeronim Capaldo, econometrist at the International Labour Organization (ILO)
Agnes Jongerius, MEP for the PvdA
Ewald Engelen, professor financial geography at the University of Amsterdam
Cathelijne Passchier, vice-president of the Dutch Labour Union FNV
Ronald Roosdorp, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Moderator: Eric Smit (Follow the Money)
Most of the debate will be in Dutch; translation is available if needed.
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