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Civil society’s proposal for the Conclusions and Recommendations of the Report of the 4th session of the UN Binding Treaty negotiations

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This week, we have witnessed a landmark moment in the UN Human Rights Council. States have begun negotiating the text of the UN treaty on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights.

This represents important progress for the countless communities, workers, and survivors who have struggled for decades to protect their human rights from violations and abuses by transnational corporations and other business enterprises.

On Friday the 19th of October 2018, the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group (OEIGWG) will adopt its report of this session, with recommendations and conclusions for moving the process forward. As civil society organisations, we look forward to the report, and recommend the following elements be included:

Last year at the end of the 3rd session, valuable time and energy was wasted by attempts to hold up the process. We call on all States to support the conclusions of the 4th session in view of advancing the negotiations until a bold and ambitious legally binding instrument is adopted.

Civil society organisations that endorse this proposal:

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