Alternative Finance Festival
On 15 September 2018 it has been 10 years since the fall of the US bank Lehman Brothers. It was the start of the financial crisis and it cost governments billions trying to save the banks. Since then several measures have been taken, but the financial sector has not fundamentally changed and we are happily moving on to a next crisis. On 14, 15 and 16 September therefore, the Alternative Finance Festival takes place to show that not only things must and can be different, but that there are already many alternatives that are paving the way.
Debt crisis alert. End of Quantitative Easing poses grave risks for emerging economies
During the Festival there are events throughout different countries and places that show how servient, just, and socially and ecologically sustainable alternatives for our financial sectors can look like. During the central event on September 16th, six themes will be woven through the day in relation to the financial system: inequality, tax, environment, money creation, meaningful work, lobby/democracy.
SOMO and TNI organizing a workshop
On the 16th of September, TNI and SOMO will provide a workshop at the Alternative Finance Festival titled ‘Structural causes of the crisis and (inter)national solutions‘. The workshop will explore which solutions and alternatives within the financial sector are needed and how the numerous EU bail out packages were developed with many conflicts of interests. We will look into the consequences of the lack of structural change of the financial sector and how financialisation has lead to more inequality.
The Alternative Finance Festival is part of many actions and initiatives that are organised by the Change Finance coalition of European NGOs and networks in Europe around September 15th.
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Myriam Vander Stichele
Senior Researcher
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